Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

Toilet Training

Older infants and toddlers need to be offered water in cup often. Toddlers should drink about 6-8 small cups of water daily (3 to 4 ounce each) and even more in hot weather or if they 've been playing out side for a while. They dont always know when they are thirsty adn depend on adults to offer them appropriate drinks. Milk and water are the best drink for toddlers
In order to be succesfull in toilet training the child must have developed the neurological and physical ability to know when he needs to use the toilet so that he has the time to succesfully get to the bathroom.
the toilet training process can either support to the development of a positive self concept and a sense of power and control about his body or a sense ashame and doubt. Adult who enter into power struggles with toddlers over toilet training are destined to achieve negative result. #Pamelacphelps

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